Success Is In the DOING!
Think about this…success isn’t in the having – SUCCESS IS IN THE DOING.
It’s the process of doing that brings value. It’s the activity that transforms our dreams into reality. For without activity, we will miss the opportunity.
For me and I’d suggest for you, there is a difference between being interested and being fully committed.
When you’re interested in doing something, you do it when it’s easy. You do it when circumstance permits. When the stars align. When you ‘feel like it’. Let’s face it when you are just interested you compromise your goals because you choose to stay aligned with your ‘non-committed’ behaviors.
When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses, only RESULTS. You just do it, period. Do it even on the days you don’t ‘feel like it’. Never compromise. Never give up. When you are fully committed you become resourceful and align your behaviors consistent with your goals.
So for your 2018 goals are you just interested or fully committed? If your behavior is aligned with your goals, great! If not and you are off track, alter your course right now. Today. Start by doing a little more each day – and pretty soon, you’ll develop a new habit of DOING rather than neglecting.
So what are you committed to?