Happy Monday. Last week I wrote about sharpening the saw… continuing with that theme today. As we learned together from the Stephen Covey video, to become a master of your time, you need to first be aware of your priorities in the larger context. The framework that I will be sharing with you in this blog is — the Time Management Matrix — it is designed to help you structure your daily activities and deal with them based on priority. Take a look:

Time Management Matrix
Think of each square as a quadrant. The top left, urgent and important is Q1; important and non-urgent is Q2; non-important and urgent is Q3 and Q4 is non-important and the non-urgent. Take a look at this summary of dealing with each quadrant:
Q-1 Tasks: Manage immediately to get them out of the way. Spend the required effort such that they do not blow out of portion.
Q-2 Tasks: Focus disproportionately due to the high payoff from the investment.
Q-3 Tasks: Delegate, automate, or eliminate due to their urgent nature, but be minimally involved as they are not important.
Q-4 Tasks: Dump them as they are neither important nor urgent.
The table below illustrates a breakdown of how effective people allocate their time. The bigger the quadrant size, the more time you spend on it:

The Ideal Time Management Matrix
How do you choose to invest your time this week?
#WinTheDay #Productivity #Service #14K